Archived Event

with Nicola Benedetti violin; Alexei Grynyuk piano
Wigmore Hall Learning 21st Birthday
Sat 24 Jan 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Nicola Benedettiviolin
  • Alexei Grynyukpiano





In the decade since winning the BBC Young Musician of the Year competition,Nicola Benedetti has matured into one of the finest British artists of hergeneration, in demand worldwide as concerto soloist and respected as apassionate advocate for music education. This recital with her regularchamber music partner, the Russian pianist Alexei Grynyuk, promises to bea highlight of the Wigmore Hall Chamber Music Season.

Nicola Benedetti’s heartfelt dedication to music education is well known.She has been working with Wigmore Hall Learning this Season in primaryschools and will give a concert for pupils aged 7 to 11 at the Hall on21 January. Her recital three days later stands as a fundraising galafor Wigmore Hall Learning, which turns 21 this year.

Join us to celebrate the remarkable success of Wigmore Hall’sinternationally acclaimed education and community programme. Withover 400 workshops and events each season, at the Hall as well as inschools, hospitals, care homes and community settings, Wigmore HallLearning reaches a strikingly diverse community, from the babies whoattend our For Crying Out Loud! concerts to people living with dementia,whose lives are touched by the pioneering Music for Life programme.

Proceeds from this recital go to help the work of Wigmore Hall Learning

Supported by The Hargreaves and Ball Trust

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