Archived Event

Saint-Saëns, Mozart and Thuille
London Winds; Michael McHale piano
Sun 17 May 2015, 11.30am
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • London Winds
    • Michael McHalepiano



    Technological advances during the early 1900s delivered new versions of wind instruments that soon attracted interest from composers. The transformation was prompted by works such as Mozart’s Quintet for piano and winds, which demonstrated the enormous musical potential of instruments usually associated with outdoor performance.

    Michael Collins and his ensemble London Winds also explore the vibrant colours and energy of Saint-Saëns’s Caprice, first performed in St Petersburg in 1887, and the heroic Sextet by Austrian composer Ludwig Thuille.

    This concert is part of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust ticket scheme, offering free tickets to those aged 8-25

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