Archived Event

Irish Culture in Britain: A Centenary Celebration
Ann Murray DBE Masterclass
Wed 20 Apr 2016, 1.00pm
1:00pm – 4:00pm


Over the course of her long and distinguished career,Ann Murray DBE has performed on the world’s leadingopera and concert platforms.

She is held in the highestaffection by Wigmore Hall’s audience, not least for hermany recitals here in partnership with Graham Johnsonand with the Songmakers’ Almanac.

The charismaticmezzo-soprano, born and raised in Dublin, returns toWigmore Hall for an afternoon masterclass in whichshe will work with selected students and alumni fromthe Royal Irish Academy of Music, accompanied byDearbhla Collins.

Supported by Culture Ireland as part of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme

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