Archived Event

Avex Recital Series 2016
Akiko Suwanai violin; Enrico Pace piano
Sat 21 May 2016, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 30 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Akiko Suwanaiviolin
  • Enrico Pacepiano




The second of three lunchtime concerts in the Avex Recital Series features violinist Akiko Suwanai (the youngest ever winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition) and pianist Enrico Pace with a programme featuring works by Mozart, Grieg and Franck. The duo will also perform Hika by Tōru Takemitsu, marking the 20th anniversary of the composer’s death.

‘The orchestra seemed to wrap itself around soloist Akiko Suwanai, a wonderful player who seemed rather more wonderful with the Philadelphians framing her.’ David Patrick Stearns,

‘Suwanai was the sensation, with her overwhelming technical exhibition, which she developed naturally and with conviction in the most intricate passages. But over all, the best was her innate musicality, her delicate and detailed phrasing, with a wonderful legato in the Canzonetta, full of velvety nuances.’ Andres Moreno Mengibar, Diario de Sevilla

‘Her commitment and dexterity proved persuasive, above all in the taxing finale.’ Tim Ashley, Guardian

Avex Recital Series is kindly sponsored by Tarisio – Fine Instruments and Bows

This recital is presented by Avex Classics International