Archived Event

Briceño, Anon and Berxes
Le Poème Harmonique; Vincent Dumestre conductor, guitar
Fri 21 Oct 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 15 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Le Poème Harmonique
    • Vincent Dumestreconductor, guitar


        • Españoleta
        • Ay ay ay, todos se burlan de mi
        • Que tenga yo a mi mujer
        • El baxel esta en la playa
        • Lloren mis ojos
        • Ruggiero
        • Passacalle
        • Gaytas
        • Para tener Nochebuena
        • No so yo (Cancionero de Uppsala)



    Luis de Briceño, active around 1610–30,spread the Spanish guitar’s popularity beyondits homeland. He made his name in Francewith a collection of pieces intended forstudents of guitar.

    Le Poème Harmoniqueand Vincent Dumestre have recorded Briceño’sworks for the Alpha label and continue toexplore them within the context of earlyseventeenth-century Spanish music, offeringvivid instrumental arrangements of worksthat capture the vitality and verve of populardances, villancicos and romances.

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