Archived Event

Webern, Sohrab Uduman and Schoenberg
Britten Sinfonia
Wed 14 Dec 2016, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Britten Sinfonia


        • Verklärte Nacht Op. 4
        • arranged for piano trio (arranged by Eduard Steuermann)
    1. Co-commissioned by Britten Sinfonia with support from donors to the Musically Gifted campaign, and by Wigmore Hall with the support of André Hoffmann, president of the Fondation Hoffmann, a Swiss grant-making foundation


    Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht, his first publishedwork, led the composer to the borderlands betweenlate Romanticism and atonality.

    Heard here inEduard Steuermann’s arrangement for piano trio,this impassioned work is paired with a new piano triowritten by Sohrab Uduman, winner of OPUS2016,Britten Sinfonia and Wigmore Hall’s competition forunpublished composers.

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