Archived Event

Xenakis Day
JACK Quartet
Sat 25 Feb 2017, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • JACK Quartet


        • Ergma for string quartet
        • Embellie for solo viola
        • Mikka for solo violin
        • Kottos for solo cello
        • Hunem-Iduhey for violin and cello
        • ST/4 –1, 080262 for string quartet


    The JACK Quartet launches Xenakis Day with Ergma, a typicallyuncompromising study in homophony, before its individual membersperform a group of sonorous solo scores and the hauntingHunem-Iduhey, with its opening study in non-vibrato tones. Themusical material of ST/4–1, 080262 was generated by a seriesof compositional algorithms and shaped by Xenakis into a work ofintense drama.

    With the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation

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