Archived Event

Mahler and Eisler
Matthias Goerne baritone; Markus Hinterhäuser piano
Fri 24 Feb 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 75 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Matthias Goernebaritone
  • Markus Hinterhäuserpiano


  • Gustav Mahler
      • Des Knaben Wunderhorn
      • Der Tamboursg'sell
      • Das irdische Leben
      • Urlicht
  • Hanns Eisler
      • Hollywood Songbook
      • Hotelzimmer 1942
      • An den kleinen Radioapparat
      • In den Weiden
      • Frühling
      • Auf der Flucht
      • Über den Selbstmord
      • Die Flucht
      • Zwei Lieder nach Worten von Pascal
      • Fünf Elegien
      • Hollywood Songbook
      • Ostersonntag
      • L'automne californien
      • Anakreontische-Fragmente
      • In der Frühe
      • Hollywood Songbook
      • Der Sohn I
      • Die Heimkehr


In constant demand at the world’s leading concert halls andas soloist with the finest orchestras and conductors, MatthiasGoerne has inspired critics to dig deep for fresh superlatives andphrases to summarise the breadth and depth of his artistry.

The German artist has secured a place among the all-time greatsof song thanks to his rare combination of tonal variety, ability toconvey multi-hued feelings and emotions, technical mastery andsearching musicianship. Those qualities were recently encapsulatedby The New York Times, which described Goerne as ‘a masterlysinger endowed with an opulent baritone that includes a silky,cello-like high register and penetrating depths’.

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