Archived Event

Brahms, Wagner, Berg and Strauss
Karita Mattila soprano; Ville Matvejeff piano
Sat 06 May 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Karita Mattilasoprano
  • Ville Matvejeffpiano


      • Der Stern Op. 69 No. 1
      • Wiegenlied Op. 41 No. 1
      • Meinem Kinde Op. 37 No. 3
      • Ach Lieb, ich muss nun scheiden Op. 21
      • Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten Op. 19 No. 4
      • Acht Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blätter' Op. 10
      • Allerseelen No. 8
      • Cäcilie Op. 27 No. 2


With her irresistible onstage presence,dramatic persona and voice of jaw-droppingflexibility and beauty, Karita Mattila belongsto the company of today’s finest singers.

The Finnish lyric soprano, among the greatinterpreters of Richard Strauss, prefaces aselection of the composer’s impassionedsongs with Alban Berg’s innovative VierLieder Op. 2, works which stretch the boundsof tonality in search of heightened emotionalexpression.

She opens her recital withBrahms’s high-spirited Zigeunerlieder andWagner’s sublime Wesendonck Lieder.

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