Archived Event

3-part study course
Wigmore Study Group: Bach Odyssey
Tue 10 Oct 2017, 3.00pm
  • Tuesday 10 October 3:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Friday 13 October 3:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Wednesday 18 October 3:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Availability


    Take a journey through theincredible world of Bach’s keyboardmusic in three afternoons ofdiscussion and performance.

    Throughout his life, Bach wrotemore consistently for keyboard thanfor any other medium, allowing usto trace the entire development ofhis musical language through thisrepertoire. His fame as a keyboardvirtuoso led to the wide publicationof works such as The Well-temperedClavier, which became aformative influence on subsequentgenerations of composers.

    The sessions are presented bycomposer Julian Philips alongsidepianist Laura Roberts, guestspeakers and performers from theGuildhall School of Music & Drama.

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