Archived Event

Birds, Grounds, Chaconnes
Joanna MacGregor piano
Mon 11 Nov 2019, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Joanna MacGregorpiano


      • Pièces de clavecin avec une methode pour la mechanique des doigts
      • Le rappel des oiseaux
      • Troisiéme livre de piéces de clavecin
      • Les fauvétes plaintives
      • On an Overgrown Path
      • X. The barn owl has not flown away!
  • William Byrd
      • My Ladye Nevells Booke
      • First Pavane
      • Trilogy Sonata
      • Knee Play No. 4 from Einstein on the Beach



The multifarious musician hascreated a characteristicallyinventive programme ranging fromByrd to Glass and the contemporaryIranian Hossein Alizâdeh.

Notice of road works on Wigmore Street
There will be no vehicular access on Wigmore Street between Gloucester Place and Wimpole Street between 5 November and 15 November from 8.00AM to 6.00PM.

Parking on Wigmore Street will be restricted at all times. There will still be pedestrian access to Wigmore Hall. Please plan your trip to Wigmore Hall accordingly, and feel free to contact Box Office if you have any questions.

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