Archived Event

A concert for people living with dementia and their friends, family and carers
Music for the Moment
Fri 29 Nov 2019, 3.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


      • 12 vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder Op. 85
      • Abendlied No. 12


If you are, or someone you knowis, living with dementia, pleasejoin us for this informal afternoonconcert with musicians from theRoyal Academy of Music. You arewarmly invited to join us for teaand coffee from 2.30pm in theBechstein Room.

Wigmore Hall is committed toplaying its part in building adementia-friendly society, and isproud to have 2 Dementia FriendsChampions and 44 DementiaFriends on its staff team. To find out more visit

In partnership with Resonate Arts and the Royal Academy of Music