Archived Event

Daniel Sepec violin; Tabea Zimmermann viola; Jean-Guihen Queyras cello
Wed 11 Mar 2020, 7.00pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours 30 minutes in duration, including two intervals


  • Daniel Sepecviolin
  • Tabea Zimmermannviola
  • Jean-Guihen Queyrascello



      • String Trio in G Op. 9 No. 1
      • String Trio in D Op. 9 No. 2
      • String Trio in C minor Op. 9 No. 3



In this concert bringing togetherthree exceptional musicianswhose confluence has beendescribed as forming a ‘supertrio’, Beethoven’s major worksfor string trio comprise theprogramme – all of them earlypieces, dating from between1794 and 1798.

Live Stream

This event is part of the Live Stream concert series from Wigmore Hall and will be shown on our website at the time of the concert. Visit the Live Stream page

Our Beethoven Celebration has been made possible thanks to a lead gift from André and Rosalie Hoffmann, the Foyle Foundation, and additional support from the Beethoven Circle

In memory of Peter Flatter.
We are very grateful to all those in our audience who have chosen to make provision for Wigmore Hall in their Will. Their gifts, when realised, make a meaningful difference from which generations of artists and audiences will benefit. Thank you.

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