Archived Event

Adrian Williams and Dowland
Wed 14 Oct 2020, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 30 minutes in duration, without an interval

Important Information

This concert was live-streamed as part of the Wigmore Hall Autumn Series. The video is no longer online but other concerts are available to watch in full here: Wigmore Hall Concert Video Library


  • Fretwork


    • John Dowland
        • The King of Denmark, his Galliard
        • The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard
        • Sir John Langton his Pavan
        • Sir John Souch’s Galliard
        • Captain Piper his Galliard
        • Piper's Pavan for solo lute
        • Mr Henry Noel his Galliard
        • Mr Giles Hoby his Galliard
        • Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall
        • Mrs Nichols Almand
        • Mr Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard
        • Fantasia in G for solo lute
        • Mr George Whitehead his Almand
        • Mr Bucton's Galliard
        • Semper Dowland semper dolens
    • John Dowland
        • Lachrimae Antiquae
        • Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
        • Lachrimae Gementes
        • Lachrimae Tristes
        • Lachrimae Coactae
        • Lachrimae Amantis
        • Lachrimae Verae


    Since its foundation in 1985, the viol consort has helped disseminate and renew a tradition of music formerly little known beyond a small band of specialists, its extraordinary standard of playing wedded to an approach to repertory that has seen it seek out forgotten music as well as commissioning new works from contemporary composers. In its continued Musick’s Monument series, Fretwork surveys English consort music from Cornysh to Purcell across three seasons. Alongside pieces by the Elizabethan master Dowland is a 2004 work by Adrian Williams that reflects on his pavans.

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