Archived Event

Barber, Jonathan Dove, Purcell and Schubert
James Gilchrist tenor; Anna Tilbrook piano
Sun 01 Nov 2020, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 30 minutes in duration, without an interval

Important Information

This concert was live-streamed as part of the Wigmore Hall Autumn Series. The video is no longer online but other concerts are available to watch in full here: Wigmore Hall Concert Video Library

Download PDF song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • James Gilchristtenor
  • Anna Tilbrookpiano



James Gilchrist’s programme centres around the theme of loneliness and solitude. Four works look at our life when we stand alone, either through choice or circumstance. Exploring through words and music, how we came to be this way, what we hope to gain or fear to lose from it, what we might have to bear, and how we might know ourselves better through contemplation.

In memory of Linda Burgess
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