Archived Event

Brahms and Nielsen
Camerata RCO
Mon 27 Sep 2021, 1.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

Important Information

This concert was live-streamed as part of the Autumn 2021 Series. The video is no longer online but other concerts are available to watch in full here: Wigmore Hall Concert Video Library

Download the PDF programme here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Camerata RCO
    • Julie Moulinflute
    • Hein Wiedijkclarinet
    • Annemiek de Bruinclarinet
    • Simon Van Holenbassoon
    • Katy Woolleyhorn
    • Marc Daniel van Biemenviolin
    • Santa Vižineviola
    • Johan van Ierselcello
    • Felix Lashmardouble bass



Made up of players from the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the chamber ensemble receives a warm welcome wherever it performs. Following a concert at the Library of Congress the Washington Post wrote of ‘a satisfying evening of sophisticated music-making with a precision ensemble as snug as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.’

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