Archived Event

Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Schumann
Zoltán Fejérvári piano
Sun 27 Feb 2022, 11.30am
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

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  • Zoltán Fejérváripiano



The Hungarian pianist has made a steady rise to international prominence over recent years, with an important competition win at the Concours Musical International de Montréal in 2017. His first CD, Janáček, was described by Gramophone as ‘the most sensitive and deeply probative recording’ of that composer’s work, while of his second, Schumann, the same publication wrote: ‘Fejérvári is a deeply communicative artist who combines an imperturbable yet magisterial command of his instrument with impeccable musicality. Those who have yet to hear him are in a for a rare treat.’

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