Archived Event

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Vom Küssen
Dorothee Mields soprano; Tobias Koch fortepiano
Mon 28 Feb 2022, 1.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.

This concert was live-streamed as part of the Spring 2022 Series. The video is no longer online but other concerts are available to watch in full here: Wigmore Hall Concert Video Library


  • Dorothee Mieldssoprano
  • Tobias Kochfortepiano


Vom Küssen allgemein
      • Phyllis Wq. 202/C/2
      • Lied Wq. 202/L/1
      • Bevelise und Lysidor: Der Phönix Wq. 200/7
      • Mittel, freudlich zu werden Wq. 200/16
      • An die Liebe Wq. 202/C/3
      • Die Küsse Wq. 199/4
      • Die Schlummernde Wq. 202/G/1
      • Trinklied Wq. 200/13
      • Fantasia in C Wq. 61/6
Alles, nur nicht Küssen
      • Der Weg des Frommen Wq. 194/35
      • Das natürliche Verderben des Menschen Wq. 194/33
      • Über die Finsternis kurz vor dem Tode Jesu Wq. 197/29
      • Der Schutz der Kirche Wq. 194/12
      • Prüfung am Abend Wq. 194/7
      • Rondo in A minor Wq. 56/5
Vom Todeskuss aus dem Schierlingsbecher
      • Sonata in F minor Wq. 63/6
      • Fantasia - Monolog des Sokrates (arranged by Heinrich Wilhelm von Gerstenberg)
      • Fantasia in F Wq. 59/5
Beschluss: die Verwechslung



A soprano who specialises in music of the 17th and 18th centuries collaborates with her compatriot pianist in this celebration of the music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-88), one of JS Bach’s most outstandingly musical sons and a vital link between the Baroque and Classical periods, whose ‘Empfindsamer Stil’ (sensitive style) gives his music a heightened emotional charge.

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