Archived Event

Barbara, Brahms, Fauré and more
Henk Neven baritone; James Baillieu piano
Fri 03 Jun 2022, 7.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval

Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Henk Nevenbaritone
  • James Baillieupiano


      • 5 mélodies 'de Venise' Op. 58
      • Mandoline
      • Prison Op. 83 No. 1
      • Clair de lune Op. 46 No. 2
      • Après un rêve Op. 7 No. 1
      • Spleen Op. 51 No. 3


  • Hugo Wolf
      • Goethe Lieder
      • Phänomen
  • Hugo Wolf
      • Goethe Lieder
      • So lang man nüchtern ist
      • Myrthen Op. 25
      • Sitz ich allein
      • Setze mir nicht
      • Botschaft Op. 47 No. 1
      • Wenn du nur zuweilen lächelst Op. 57 No. 2
      • Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen Op. 32 No. 2
      • Bitteres zu sagen denkst du Op. 32 No. 7
      • Wie bist du, meine Königin Op. 32 No. 9



Upon the release of his first CD, the Dutch baritone’s artistry was instantly recognised. For The Sunday Times, he ‘richly deserves his chance to shine … Neven's highly individual timbre is unlike any other Lieder interpreter's: he sings with astonishing technical finesse, verbal acuity and a sense of wonder.’ Though his operatic career is also extensive, his song appearances, including those presented regularly at Wigmore Hall, have remained keenly anticipated events.

Supported by The Woolbeding Charity

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