Archived Event

Beethoven and Haydn
Quatuor Agate
Sun 19 Jun 2022, 11.30am
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

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  • Quatuor Agate
    • Adrien Jurkovicviolin
    • Khoa-Nam Nguyenviolin
    • Raphaël Pagnonviola
    • Simon Iachemetcello



Four young musicians from the South of France and resident in Paris, but with a particular commitment to German music, and also to Berlin, were prizewinners at the Young Classical Artists Trust in 2021. They came together as a quartet in 2016, the same year that they founded the CorsiClassic Festival in Corsica. ‘Their encounter with the German musical tradition,’ their website informs us, ‘plays an equally important role in their artistic thinking.’

This concert is part of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust ticket scheme, offering free tickets to those aged 8-25

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