Archived Event

Brahms and Wolf
Anna Lucia Richter mezzo-soprano; Ammiel Bushakevitz piano
Mon 18 Oct 2021, 1.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

Important Information

This concert was live-streamed as part of the Autumn 2021 Series. The video is no longer online but other concerts are available to watch in full here: Wigmore Hall Concert Video Library

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Anna Lucia Richtermezzo-soprano
  • Ammiel Bushakevitzpiano


      • Ständchen Op. 106 No. 1
      • Sapphische Ode Op. 94 No. 4
      • Auf dem Kirchhofe Op. 105 No. 4
  • Hugo Wolf
      • Morgentau
      • Wie des Mondes Abbild zittert
      • Sonne der Schlummerlosen
      • Feldeinsamkeit Op. 86 No. 2
      • Mädchenlied Op. 107 No. 5
      • Wiegenlied Op. 49 No. 4
  • Hugo Wolf
      • Wiegenlied im Sommer
      • Mörike Lieder
      • Elfenlied
      • Eichendorff-Lieder
      • Die Zigeunerin
      • Liebestreu Op. 3 No. 1
      • Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht Op. 96 No. 1
  • Hugo Wolf
      • Mörike Lieder
      • Verborgenheit
      • Nachruf
      • Goethe Lieder
      • Als ich auf dem Euphrat schiffte
      • Mörike Lieder
      • Begegnung



Two great masters of the Lied tradition are brought together in a programme by the German mezzo from a musical family who started singing seriously in the girls’ choir of Cologne Cathedral. Her career has prospered internationally since she won the Borletti Buitoni Award in 2013, with increasingly high profile appearances, including at Wigmore Hall, and a steadily widening discography. Like her Israeli-South African pianist platform partner, she has a particular predilection for the Lieder repertoire.

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